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Coming-up . . .

Tue 2 July to Sun 7 July
Henley Royal Regatta
Wed 10 July
PCC & HWCC (AC ) 7+  Advanced
Tournament Day 1

Day 2 is at High Wycombe
Sat 13 July (0930)
Open Singles Tournament
- Top 8 available players in the Club -


Tue 16 July (100)

PCC B v High Wycombe B (away)


Chairman Mulcahey
plays for 

v Scotland Women
in Edinburgh (See News)

Raunkiaer wins
Swindon C-Level

- and Qualifies for the National Final -
- Wadsworth (2nd) & Falle (7th) -
(See News)

Our President Frances Colman

was the Test Match Referee for

England v Spain


to view a recording of the action, click on this link:

Hear Chris Roberts' commentary on

Day 1 - session 1, and Day 2 - both sessions

Court levelling works
get under way

(See News item)


                            Latest Team Results
​SCF B-Level League                      -  PCC 'B'   1 - 7   Blewbury B
Challenge match                           -  PCC 'C'   9 - 7  Blewbury
SCF AC Handicap League               -  PCC       2 - 2   Caversham
National AC Secretary's Shield        -  PCC       4 - 3   East Dorset
SCF B-Level League                      -  PCC 'B'   0.5 - 7.5   E.Dorset
SCF AC Handicap League              -  PCC        2 - 2   Oxford Univ.
National Inter-Club Shield             -  PCC '1+'  3 - 4   Hurlingham
National Inter-Club Championship  -  PCC 'A'    1 - 6   Nottingham
SCF Advantage League                 -  PCC 'D'  11 - 5  Caversham

Smith wins 'Pink Ball'

Goldring wins 80+ Singles
- McEntee wins the Manager's Prize -
(See News)

Rob Eagle with his haul of Tournament Trophies from:
- Ealing C-Level Series
- PCC's D-Level
- PCC's 7+ Black Ball 

        (photo by Chris Roberts)

Rob Eagle wins at Ealing
to qualify for the
C-level Series National Final

                                                         (see News report)

Franklin & Mulcahy win the
1935 Creyke Cups at Roehampton
(see News)

Paul Franklin and Patricia Mulcahy
jubilant at their first AC Tournament victory
(by Andrew Wilson)
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